Monday, October 1, 2007

Families are starting to travel!

Families headed to Karaganda have started to get their invitations (congrats, Amber & Jason!) and will be traveling in less than 2 weeks.. More will go by the end of the month (yay, Sonya & Brent!).. Warning to family & friends: this doesn't mean anything for me (but we can always hope :))


Sonya said...

Oh, but your time is coming! But I know how hard it is to wait.


Matthew Ruley said...

Woo hoo! Congrats to families finally traveling to Karaganda! do Amber & Jason have a blog we can follow! you'll be traveling soon enough! No, thats not true- it never seems soon enough...

Deborah Taub said...

Hope is important! We have our fingers crossed for speedy news in your mailbox too.