Friday, September 14, 2007

On to more important topics..

I now have 4, count 'em 4, designs of bedding in the baby's room.. One is the sweet pink, white & yellow set I bought months and months ago for a little girl.. But the boy's bedding is giving me some trouble.. I already registered for one set of boyish bedding-- jungle themed-- but recently, my eyes have strayed and I am up to my ears in bumpers!! I think this one is my favorite-- it doesn't go as well with the existing paint as some of the others, but I think the world-travel theme is pretty cool for a little boy who is going to travel from Kaz to West Babylon.. The other two choices are variations on the transportation theme-- one is sailboats, and the other is general transportation, with trucks, plains, boats, etc. I'll try to get pics up of the other choices, and let me know what you think..


Deborah Taub said...
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Deborah Taub said...

hmmm. I have to say my vote might be biased because whenever Chris and I have a kid I want to go with the world travel theme (though we probably won't have the bonus of a trip to Kaz as a foundation for our theme)so if you go with the travel theme does that then mean that I can't or that if I do it is copycatty? Ours was going to focus more on the international countries idea than the actual modes of transportation though (at least in the brief moments of consideration I have given it--stemmed all from being in the car with you and looking through your many catalogues of fun baby stuff).

(I had to delete my post due to an annoying grammatical error--pet peeve!)

Jeannine said...

Well, I was thinking of taking out a copyright on the "international" theme.. :) But if you beat me to the punch, I think your baby can have round-the-world room, too!!

Deborah Taub said...

I don't see us beating you to the punch as you have actually started procedures in that direction and we won't really see each other for the next 6 weeks. :(

Jeannine said...

Ha! I meant beating me to the copyright, not the baby-making!! Where is your mind?!?

Deborah Taub said...

My mind...that is so cute that you think I still have my mind!

Unknown said...

I LOVE this world travel design. Way too cute! It is perfect for your future world traveler too.